dispersion form

dispersion form
дисперсная форма

English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "dispersion form" в других словарях:

  • Dispersion — may refer to: In physics: The dependence of wave velocity on frequency or wavelength: Dispersion (optics), for light waves Dispersion (water waves) Acoustic dispersion, for sound waves Dispersion relation, the mathematical description of… …   Wikipedia

  • Dispersion (Physik) — Dispersion im Prisma erzeugt ein Farbspektrum Unter Dispersion (von lat. dispergere, „ausbreiten, zerstreuen“) versteht man in der Physik die Abhängigkeit einer Größe von der Frequenz. In der Optik ist dies speziell die von der Farbe des Lichts… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Dispersion (Glasfaser) — Dispersion ist in der Optik die Abhängigkeit der Ausbreitungsgeschwindigkeit von Wellen von ihrer Wellenlänge λ. Die Ausbreitungsgeschwindigkeit des Lichts wird durch die Brechzahl n beschrieben. Verwendet man nun Wellenpakete, die gemäß der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • dispersion — /di sperr zheuhn, sheuhn/, n. 1. Also, dispersal. an act, state, or instance of dispersing or of being dispersed. 2. Optics. a. the variation of the index of refraction of a transparent substance, as glass, with the wavelength of light, with the… …   Universalium

  • Dispersion — Zerstreuung; Verbreitung; Verteiltheit; Lichtbrechung * * * ◆ Dis|per|si|on 〈f. 20〉 1. Zerstreuung, Verbreitung 2. 〈Phys.〉 Abhängigkeit von der Wellenlänge bei physikalischen Größen, z. B. unterschiedliche Brechung von Licht in seine… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Dispersion (optics) — This article is about dispersion of waves in optics. For other forms of dispersion, see Dispersion (disambiguation). In a prism, material dispersion (a wavelength dependent refractive index) causes different colors to refract at different angles …   Wikipedia

  • Dispersion (water waves) — This article is about dispersion of waves on a water surface. For other forms of dispersion, see Dispersion (disambiguation). In fluid dynamics, dispersion of water waves generally refers to frequency dispersion, which means that waves of… …   Wikipedia

  • dispersion — 1. A scattered pattern of hits around the mean point of impact of bombs and projectiles dropped or fired under identical conditions. 2. In antiaircraft gunnery, the scattering of shots in range and deflection about the mean point of explosion. 3 …   Military dictionary

  • dispersion medium — noun (of colloids) a substance in which another is colloidally dispersed • Syn: ↑dispersing phase, ↑dispersing medium • Topics: ↑colloid • Hypernyms: ↑phase, ↑form * * * …   Useful english dictionary

  • Roadway air dispersion modeling — is the study of air pollutant transport from a roadway or other linear emitter. Computer models are required to conduct this analysis, because of the complex variables involved, including vehicle emissions, vehicle speed, meteorology, and terrain …   Wikipedia

  • Air pollution dispersion terminology — describes the words and technical terms that have a special meaning to those who work in the field of air pollution dispersion modeling. Governmental environmental protection agencies (local, state, province and national) of many countries have… …   Wikipedia

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